One of the most dismaying results of the 2016 election has been the unmistakable uptick in bullying. Disrespectful and dangerous behavior has moved from behind a device screen to Main Street, to schools, and to all kinds of public events.
The Summers County Huddle chose to address the issue by organizing a week of events focused on kindness: for the earth, for our town, for our schools, for our guests, and for each other.
During the last week of October, 2017, we began the week with a free tailgate at the homecoming football game, and move into the week by chalking a Kindness Wall (which has been redone in paint), establishing a permanent food pantry, holding an interfaith prayer service, picking up litter, and painting anti-bullying messages in school restrooms.
Kindness events will continue throughout the year. We invite you to visit our Kindness Wall in the alley that runs between Temple and Summers streets on 2nd Avenue. Feel free to add your own message!
Be sure to like and follow Stand Up for Kindness on Facebook to learn of upcoming events and to read and contribute your own stories of kindness in your family or community.